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Showing posts from February, 2014

Must see Dating Violence 4 minute video courtesy of Love Is Not Abuse

To close out Dating Violence Awareness Month, view and share this powerful video on dating violence..."The Signs". Spread the awareness!  Special thanks to Love is Not Abuse!

Protect your child from stranger abductions! A parent's guide!

Due to the recent unfortunate, sad and untimely death of a young Missouri girl that was abducted this week, I thought it would be helpful to provide some prevention advice and information to parents. I always encourage parents to talk to their children about the dangers of strangers and safety planning but not many know what to say to their kids. Here are some tips on what to say to children to prevent stranger abductions. 1. Strangers do not look like monsters. In fact, they blend in well with others. Remind children to never speak to adults they do not know. 2. Explain to children that a stranger can try and befriend you or trick you by gaining your trust by using stories like mom or dad have been hurt or they asked me to check on you or pick you up. These efforts need to be ignored and reported to parents or a trusted adult immediately. 3. Please never leave your children unsupervised. If they need to walk to school, try and make sure that they are in a group or with a trusted... Legal support for victims in any state! is a one-stop shop for victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse to get legal support and resources. Victims can obtain valuable information on protective orders, divorce, gun laws, custody, tribal law, and immigration per state. In addition to legal resources, there is information on local shelter programs, education on various issues, and even help to advocates and lawyers working with victims. The best part about this website is you can click on a state and get information on laws for that particular state. Knowledge is power! Pass it on!   Home  >  Know the Laws  > Arizona > STATE LAWS       View a state...   Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentuck...