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Showing posts from September, 2014

Get educated on Domestic Violence! Read Love is a Battlefield:The Survival Guide Updated with link.

I am excited to have released my new e book titled, Love is a Battlefield: The Survival Guide, yesterday on This book can help anyone affected by family violence. Understanding the dynamics, warning signs, and victimology will raise awareness to a very prevalent problem. In lieu of the Ray Rice scandal, it is obvious that the public needs education and awareness on domestic violence. The unfortunate reality is that these people are public figures so we will not know the truth because they have publicists dictating responses from both the victim and abuser.      A month ago, I read a Sport's Illustrated article in their August 4th edition titled, "Message Unsent". This article, written by Phil Taylor, highlighted his outrage with Goodell's lack of holding Rice accountable. "Nothing in Goodell's words or actions conveyed a sense that he was disgusted by what happened to Janay Rice....". Well now he's disgusted because a video of the incide