School is back in session and settling into college life should include evaluating and maintaining your safety on campus. Schools and colleges are valued institutions that help build upon the nation’s foundations and serve as an arena where the growth and stability of future generations begin. Crime in schools and colleges is therefore one of the most troublesome social problems in the Nation today. Not only does it affect those involved in the criminal incident, but it also hinders societal growth and stability (FBI Report: Crime in Schools and Colleges). In order to be safe on campus, we should all recognize the risks and be proactive. One of the most profound dangers that college students must face is the risk of sexual assault. One in five college students experiences sexual assault during their college career (White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault, 2014). So the next step is to educate ourselves on sexual assault, prevention and consent! In addition to...
I am a nationally recognized Crime Victim Advocate. My Mission: To inspire social change through education, awareness, resources, and support. We are all survivors. Follow me on social media. Twitter and Instagram @victimassistant