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Showing posts from 2017

Helping the homeless: The unseen population!

Interesting article from Arizona Republic about homelessness in our state. We live in a nation of abundance and privilege; we should not have a growing population of homeless adults and children. It is a huge problem in our country not just at the local level. It is estimated annually that 2.3- 3.5 million people( 1/2 are children) are homeless in this country (National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty). Many are homeless due to domestic violence, unaddressed mental health issues, simply falling on hard times, and lack of affordable housing. As a society, how can we help? Solutions? The National Coalition for the Homeless suggests CARE. C- contribute ( money, food, clothing, etc.) A- advocate R- reach out (volunteer) E- educate For more information visit Read the article

February is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

Happy Valentines Day! ❤ February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. 1 in 3 teens have experienced some form of abuse in a dating relationship. Love has many definitions but it should never mean abuse. There are many ways to raise awareness and get involved in promoting healthy relationships this month including participating in #respectweek2017 . Love should always be about respect! Please visit  for more information and resources on #teendvmonth

National Stalking Awareness Month!

January is National Stalking Awareness Month. If you are a victim of stalking, it is recommended you consult a crime victim advocate or a victim services program within law enforcement or a court. Qualified and trained advocates can help with safety planning, protective orders, and info on how to document incidents appropriately. Get the facts at   In addition, check out my Twitter page @victimadvocate1 or click on icon for daily resources and information on stalking. #NSAM2017 Always advocating..........