I get emails from people across the country wanting my advice on abuse, resources and just general support. I have shared my personal, professional experiences and expertise; many ask me, "How do you do it?" Victims of crime, specifically, want to know how I am able to be positive and come out the other side with my head up. The answer is I go within. I am honest with myself and I have always been emotionally mature. This maturity comes from my childhood. Through spending time going within and past therapy, I have learned that my issues stemmed from not being given the love parents should give their child. My trauma is abandonment. Prior to today, the last time that I felt truly happy was when I was eight years old. I have a picture of me at eight in my multi-colored swimsuit with my hair braided by my beloved grandmother. I look at that picture all the time and tell her to keep her head up. I realized at a very young age that I was different. I always felt like I was older...
I am a nationally recognized Crime Victim Advocate. My Mission: To inspire social change through education, awareness, resources, and support. We are all survivors. Follow me on social media. Twitter and Instagram @victimassistant