"Everything in life is vibration." -Albert Einstein. Einstein taught us that everything is made up of energy which vibrates at a different frequency. I'm not a science girl, but I do have a general understanding of physics and that everything in the universe is made up of molecules that vibrates at different speeds. Not only are human vibrations composed of physical matter but also exist in thoughts. Certain emotions and thought patterns, associated with positivity and growth, create a higher frequency vibration (joy, happiness, kindness) and so goes the latter; emotions like anger, fear, and envy vibrate at a lower frequency. Recently, I felt that I have stepped into my power and have raised my vibration through healing past pain and trauma. I am sitting in the position of self-awareness. Self-awareness is being conscious of one's own character, feelings, motives and desires. It feels good, and I feel a sense of newness in my life. I want to share with you how to ra...
I am a nationally recognized Crime Victim Advocate. My Mission: To inspire social change through education, awareness, resources, and support. We are all survivors. Follow me on social media. Twitter and Instagram @victimassistant