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Innovative Self-Care Practices: Raising your Vibration

 "Everything in life is vibration." -Albert Einstein. Einstein taught us that everything is made up of energy which vibrates at a different frequency. I'm not a science girl, but I do have a general understanding of physics and that everything in the universe is made up of molecules that vibrates at different speeds. Not only are human vibrations composed of physical matter but also exist in thoughts. Certain emotions and thought patterns, associated with positivity and growth, create a higher frequency vibration (joy, happiness, kindness) and so goes the latter; emotions like anger, fear, and envy vibrate at a lower frequency. Recently, I felt that I have stepped into my power and have raised my vibration through healing past pain and trauma. I am sitting in the position of self-awareness. Self-awareness is being conscious of one's own character, feelings, motives and desires. It feels good, and I feel a sense of newness in my life. I want to share with you how to raise your vibration. Now the following is said with love and compassion for all because, we are human and experience the highs and lows of life. However, in my opinion, if you have been a victim of crime, suffered trauma, abuse, or experience mental health issues, you have to begin the healing process or access professional support in order to begin to raise your vibration. Otherwise, without willingness to change or acknowledgement of pain, it is counterproductive. On a side note, my last post was on leveling up and starting the healing process; I would suggest reading that post and assess. I'll put the link at bottom. In order to raise your vibration, you have to be in the growth mindset- the willingness to learn and grow as a person. 

So what is raising your vibration? It is being self aware of your emotions and thoughts; especially, if you are in a low vibrational energy (fear, envy, anger) and you are proactive in shifting your perspective. Now, how do you shift your perspective and raise your vibrational energy? I engage in these five activities to raise my vibration and keep climbing cause "ain't no mountain high enough." Do the following:

1. Gratitude- I practice gratitude daily; I have always been aware of the importance of gratitude in my life. Gratitude is my good habit. To practice gratitude, every morning, I recite at least three things I am greatful for in my life. It doesn't matter how big or small. Sometimes I journal my gratitude. Multiple studies suggest, there are so many benefits of practicing gratitude. For example, gratitude opens doors for opportunity, improves mental health, strength and builds up self-esteem. 

2. Self-love- Are you filling your cup? You can't give from an empty cup. I practice self love through several lifestyle changes including healthy eating, meditation and yoga. I give back to myself what I give to others to find balance in my life. This is something that I was neglecting in my life and now reconciled with the importance of self-love in my life. I'm good to myself and I encourage others to engage in self-care practices that help you grow as a person and refill your cup of love. I found that self-love for me was removing the people, places and things in my life that were draining or not fulfilling. I took inventory of my life and realized that I was overproducing my love and giving it too freely to people that did not reciprocate. Your relationships either intimate or interpersonal need to have reciprocity. Understanding this about my life helped me practice self-love more freely. There are many ways to practice self-love. Any activity that makes you fulfilled and helps you replenish your energy is great. Do inventory of your life and uncover what that is for you. You attract what you put out into the world and it makes perfect sense to me. I was not loving myself or feeling worthy in my past; I was attracting the wrong friends and connections in my life and was not in the best headspace. Self-love frees you from a fixed mindset and opens your heart. Love powers all. 

3. Giving back- One thing that I have always been taught is giving back and being kind. My family is full of gentle, kind souls with purpose. I am part of that legacy and my generation is passing that on to our kids. Before COVID, my daughter would often join me in my volunteer efforts. I've always stressed to her the importance of giving back to the world we take from. When parents take the time to teach mindfulness and philantropy, children develop healthy mindsets, are kind individuals, non-judgmental, and are able to express creativity or be more curious. The benefits of giving back include feelings of happiness, improved self-esteem, creates positive social connections, and gives your vibe a boost. It's a great feeling to give selflessly and genuinely to others. Giving back can come in many forms and as simple as recycling. How ever you choose to pay it forward, just know that your efforts are increasing your vibration. Whoo hoo!

4. Cleanse- So, I mean this literally cleansing my body of toxins and also of toxic people and habits. First, when I decided to upgrade my life, I started with lifestyle changes (diet, exercise, yoga, mediation). Through yoga classes, my instructors would talk about doing a cleansing of the body to rid the body of toxins. I decided to start eating a clean diet. I ate more good for you foods (whole grains, lean protein, more greens like kale, spinach and fruits) and less energy sucking foods like sugar, fats, refined carbs and alcohol. Notice I said less of the bad foods. I choose to engage in moderation and not deprivation. I still enjoy a sweet or glass of wine. After developing a regular clean diet and getting in the groove, I started to feel so much better from the inside that I had to make sure that my environment was just as clean. So one day, I sat in solitude and evaluated my relationships. Often during healing, you not only change and gain a different perspective but you realize you are no longer the person before you began the journey. I noticed that the people that were not honest and sincere falling from from my life like dead leaves on a tree. Many times when you start raising your vibration and practice a growth mindset the people that are in the fixed mindset can't relate to you anymore because they haven't grown with you. I decided to clean house and release people, places, and things including bad habits that do not support my growth. I feel so liberated that I cleaned the inside and out. Consider evaluating your relationships and understand that it is ok to let go of what no longer serves you with love and compassion. When you release toxic people in your life they will most likely express envy, jealousy or another negative trait and just know it's their lack mentality that keeps them from healthy relationships not you. Be brave, authentic and as Drake would say, "Mind in one place. Heart in another." "Jealousy is just love and hate at the same time." "Judge me, and you'll have no time left to love me....." "Pain makes you stronger." Amen. People misjudge hip hop and rap but there are so many lessons in love and life in the lyrics. The cosmic joke was someone asked for Tupac back in exchange for Justin Bieber. LOL. Oh poor Biebs.

5.Adventure- Do adventure. I take regular local trips to hike or explore. I love being in nature. Being in nature can have a tremendous positive effect on our well-being. Nature is healing and soothing to me. When I feel confused, stress or overthink, I often take a walk or hike to enjoy my environment. More times than not, I come into contact with animals or people. I've made friends through my adventures or even pleasant conversations. A walk through nature can increase our mindfulness and makes us feel positivity because humans find nature beautiful and serene. Hiking is my jam and I love exploring new hikes and challenging myself. During my hikes, I ground myself. Grounding is making direct contact with the earth's energy. Without getting science nerd again, being in contact with the earth's energy helps us to release free radicals that exists in our bodies from pollution, bad eating, smoking or whatever.  Free radicals are no bueno. Grounding helps release some of these free radicals. To ground you touch bare feet to the earth. I usually do this and take deep breaths. Afterwards, I genuinely feel so stable and aligned. Adventure can be any activity that boosts your morale. Do adventure and raise your vibration.

So, I hope you have a better understanding of the benefits of raising your vibration and how to. I'm a work in progress and I have some low days but, I am able to immediately know my triggers so I can shift my mindset. I don't want to go down the rabbit hole of distress. Some people foolishly think that things come easily for me and I don’t struggle. The other day I was talking to my sister cousin, she's my cousin but we act like sisters, and I told her I was having a bad day but, I felt I received a sign of positivity. I explained that I cried earlier that morning because I felt heaviness in my heart. I woke up sad and felt stuck. I started to read emails and look on social media and on my feed was a random post about the song, "Blackbird" by the Beatles. Weird. My intuition said go listen to it. I did and I started balling. Rivers, oceans, lakes. The song is really a tribute to the civil rights movement but also signifies freedom. All of a sudden it clicked, I immediately switched my mindset to gratitude because, I realized that I'm free. I am free to live the life I've always wanted and I have nothing to be sad about because, I am no longer trapped by my past. There is no sadness in freedom. I'm free to live my truth, speak my truth and be my truth. I feel that I received that message of hope to lift my spirit and carry me to a higher vibration. My cousin said, "That's so great that you have that perspective." She's right; most people would just continue being sad. That's the trick when raising your vibration, you have to be quick to shift your mindset and think positively. Bam! I immediately felt better. Maybe, I was not on my game that day and God sent me a sign to help me out. I believe that. That was a close one. Raising your vibration takes effort and dedication and I hope you commit to being high. Being a high vibrational being is a gift to all. 

The Victim Assistant

Peace Love and Happiness

Podcast: The Victim Assistant, Crime Victim Advocacy


YouTube Lifestyle Channel: The Victim Assistant lifestyle https :// 

Twitter: @victimadvocate1

Photo: Andrew Patrick from Pexels


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