Boundaries are beautiful. Boundaries increase self-esteem, helps to promote independence, autonomy, and helps you conserve your emotional energy for self. On the flip side, building up walls comes from a place of defensiveness but, setting healthy boundaries comes from a place of love for self. So let's explore how to connect with others through healthy rules and guidelines when it comes to intimacy, communication and interpersonal relationships. We learn about boundaries early on in life through our culture, family dynamics, and our environment. Boundaries can change over the years as our minds grow and perspectives change. As we mature, our perspectives can shift. We begin to have a better understanding of who we are and what we are comfortable with. Through self-reflection we often can begin to define and identify the boundaries that we need to set in place and with whom. Boundaries are flexible because situations and circumstances change in relationships and there is sometimes...
I am a nationally recognized Crime Victim Advocate. My Mission: To inspire social change through education, awareness, resources, and support. We are all survivors. Follow me on social media. Twitter and Instagram @victimassistant