In my self-love journey, I have included exploring many ideals including vulnerability. Let's ask ourselves this question, "What does it mean to be vulnerable with another person?" In my experience, vulnerability is expressing your true self regardless of other's judgement. It's true bravery. Vulnerability seems to be the key to healthier interpersonal relationships. Vulnerability is difficult for some people because there is a level of honesty that is required and most often the struggle opening up your heart comes from fear; fear of judgement, the unknown, and ridicule. Fear is a valid emotion. Usually, we feel fear when we suspect danger ahead; however, fear derived from insecurity is no bueno. Trust in the other person is the secret sauce for opening up your soul. Trust is the confidence you place in someone to keep your thoughts and feelings private. Without trust, true intimacy in relationships cannot be achieved. For this reason, we see people struggle with vulnerability. Many times our environment and belief systems growing up set the tone for how we communicate with others. I mean look at our American society and the social and gender stereotypes that plague us. There is a lot of unhealthy masculinity out there and social norms that conflict with people's ability to do better and be better humans. Opening our hearts can relieve so much internal and personal suffering and help us in many ways grow as a person. Taking time to reflect and identify the source of your insecurities is going to help the process along. Understanding the benefits of vulnerability can encourage change. Here are some great benefits of vulnerability as follows:
1. Accept- Being vulnerable means that you accept yourself for who and what you are and not afraid to be the real you. You own your strengths and weaknesses. Acceptance of yourself increases your self-worth. There ain't no shame in owning your game. Accept you boo.
2. Appreciate self- Personally, I have realized, through my healing process, that once I started to embrace my true self and feel comfort with it, I began to appreciate myself more. In my past, I never felt valued or really even saw my true worth. Then, I started to recognize who I truly was as a person and opened up my heart and mind to change and growth. I created space for greatness to enter my life and I learned to appreciate the special qualities about me.
3. Attract- Part of healing trauma or past pain involves letting go. Letting go is releasing people, places, and things that no longer serve your highest and greatest good. Letting go is a process of evaluation and it takes courage and strength. Once you decide what is healthy and good for your growth and healing, you begin to release toxic people and patterns in your life. It will happen because your soul will tell you and you will begin to attract what your heart wants and needs. Vulnerability will expose you to the right people and circumstances that help you grow. Like attracts like.
4. Build- Vulnerability builds bridges. You will be more available for others and have more compassion and empathy because you are vibing higher. You will strengthen bonds that you kept and make new, healthier connections to replace the unstable ones. Your new found expressions will only create more positivity in your life. There will be no more need to hide emotions, opinions or feelings because you are no longer afraid. The fear subsides. Confidence arises. People will see your confidence and it can spark change in others, the domino effect.
The anxiety and stress people feel about being vulnerable is created by a false impression that vulnerability is weakness. Expressing your truth is actually empowerment! Believe it! Expressing vulnerability is difficult for some but not impossible. First, accept yourself and know your worth. Secondly, trust yourself and know that you have the power to create wonderful positive change in your life. Start slow and look into meditation or positive affirmations to help open your heart chakra. The heart powers everything in life, literally and figuratively. Read my previous blog posts on Chakras from my Innovative Self-Care series to help you. Mediation can help you embrace your vulnerability. The moment I started to practice yoga and meditation, my energy began to be more balanced and I felt compelled to stay in a growth mindset. So, I'm saying if you struggle with expression and vulnerability start with simple mindfulness techniques and at least 5 minutes a day of meditation. There are wonderful apps and meditations on YouTube for beginners. Once you give yourself the ok to begin opening your heart, the opportunities for growth flow in and you become interested in anything that might help improve your life. Your mindset becomes healthier and stronger. There will be good and bad days where you will be triggered but gathering coping strategies like mindfulness and meditation can help keep you grounded and balanced. Vulnerability allows you to step into a better version of yourself, establishing better communication, healthy boundaries, and you begin to live in your authenticity.
Opening up to my truth and sharing it at my discretion is empowerment; you take back your power! Ive noticed that in some of my personal relationships, I attracted people that were often detached, emotionally unavailable and energy vampires. My lack of trust for my self and not living my truth or in my authenticity caused me to be closed off to what was really meant for me. Now, I feel opening my heart to life and possibilities allows me to be free. I am finally free to be who I am meant to be in this life. I recognize my worth and I no longer settle. We all deserve health, happiness, and awesome loving connections. I encourage people to embrace their insecurities and heal pain. It's important for me to encourage others to live their best life and make safe and healthy choices so, if vulnerability is an issue for you; it doesn't have to be. Don't punish yourself or deny yourself of healthy relationships because you cannot express yourself. Everything you ever wanted is on the other side of fear. So...... open up Buttercup! Your heart is safe!♥️
The Victim Assistant- Peace, Love, and Happiness
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