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Showing posts from 2013

New IPhone app that helps Law Enforcement and Advocates identify and document strangulation!

I received this information from my dear friend, Leah, at the Governor's Office for Children, Youth and Families in Arizona. She attended a meeting where a representative from the San Diego Family Justice Center announced they created an app to assist law enforcement and advocates in helping victims document and identify strangulation. At this time, the app will be available for free but eventually cost approx. $1.30. This app is available for iPhones at this time. For more information on the use and purpose check out the link below. The app also has education on strangulation. What an excellent tool! Check it out!!/id669059716?mt=8

Holiday gifts that give back to victims of crime!

So excited reading my People Stylewatch and read about brands that donate up to 100% of the proceeds to worthy causes including assisting victims of crime. For those interested, the two brands that help crime victims are OPI Nail Lacquer and Beamon Gems for GEMS. OPI sponsors the Sandy Hook Promise- advocates for gun-violence solutions and aids Sandy Hook Elementary School families who lost loved ones. Purchase Sandy Hook Green nail color and all proceeds go to help the families. In addition, go to and buy a gem butterfly crystal hair clip. All proceeds benefit Girls Educational and Mentoring Services which educates and empowers victims of human trafficking in the U.S. Wow, literally give the gift that keeps on giving! Might buy this for my nieces!

Review on Frontline's PBS piece on Domestic Violence in Law Enforcement!

So sorry that I haven't responded to this good documentary on DV in Law Enforcement. Basically, I have a simple thought, bad leadership! When a department lacks professionalism and leadership, poor investigations or lack of investigations occur.  Is this common in Law Enforcement to overlook Domestic Violence if  the suspect is one of your own, no.  However, I do believe and have experienced internal issues with DV handled differently than a civilian and I never thought that was appropriate. I do not see how peers can remain objective. There is a bond amongst officers that exists even if you have never worked with the each other. With that said, there should be independent investigations when officers are the accused and departments should consult best practices in this area. I worked with Law Enforcement and I have a great respect for what they do and the risks they take everyday, so I never generalize and think that this particular situation was rare and unfortunate. It...

George Zimmerman is dangerous! New Domestic Violence charge.

George Zimmerman back in a Florida court today for felony Agg Assault and two other misdemeanors  involving an incident where he allegedly pointed a gun at his girlfriend and strangled her ( NOT choked her like the lawyer said in court). The judge gave him a $9000.00 bond which he posted and was released on typical release conditions for a Domestic Violence firearms, cannot return to home, no contact....blah blah blah. Again no accountability, why on earth would a judge grant so little bail for such serious charges especially when he has a history of Domestic Violence? I hope he doesn't hurt himself or others before the next court date! You know because of Florida's crazy laws, he got away with murder! Maybe Mr. Zimmerman needs to move to Arizona where it has been made socially acceptable to racially profile someone and you can walk around with your firearm...I just hope my nephews aren't in your neighborhood. This judge didn't consider the severity of th...

Tools to prevent crime. Don't become a informed!

Visit the  National Crime Prevention Council's website at  to learn prevention tools. You can also learn about the newest prevention campaigns addressing education on ID theft, crimes against seniors, promoting safer communities, and sign up to receive updates on the latest consumer scams. You are your biggest protection from criminals! Educate yourself and be aware! In addition, learn how to reduce the risk of sexual violence by obtaining information and resources at . The National Sexual Violence Resource Center is a great tool for advocates looking for online training and support.

Chris Brown and recent arrest....hiding in rehab!

I have been waiting to blog about Chris Brown's recent arrest for assault and his sad attempt to avoid prison by entering a rehab facility. The reality is that Chris Brown is a very troubled person with more than an anger problem. It is obvious that he is a very abusive person and has problems with power and control. Being abusive is a learned behavior so he learned it from someone close to him. The only way to unlearn it is if you seek intensive behavioral therapy and be educated on power and control. Being abusive is like riding a bike once you learn how you will never forget it. Some abusers that seek treatment do so because they are forced to by the justice system. The only success they will have is learning how to MAYBE control outbursts or not have so many of them. Chris Brown is not being held accountable which is another reason abusers continue to abuse. He mocks us by not completing community service from his incident with Rihanna and violates probation by assaulting someo...
According to the FBI, in 2011, 20% of the reported 6,222  hate crimes resulted from sexual orientation bias. I watched a wonderful documentary, Bridegroom, last night on the Own Network. It was about a gay man speaking about his relationship full of love, trust, and respect and how his partner's family never accepted their son being gay or his relationship. His partner's untimely accidental death and being shunned from the funeral lead to his message of acceptance and unconditional love for all. There are so many unhealthy relationships out there, how can people be bothered by ones that are free from violence and healthy just because it involves two people of the same sex? Don't understand! See the documentary!
So this morning I was watching the national news and again, violence in our school system. An 11 year old boy brought over 400 rounds of ammunition and guns to school and is now charged with attempted homicide. I, like many other concerned parents, are worried when their child goes to school everyday. An article in Gallup Politics states a pole shows that 25% of U.S. parents "frequently" worry about their child being harmed at school. The article states that the worry is up because of the Nevada attack on Oct 21st. The increased fear also comes from the Newtown event last year. What can parents do? I always safety plan with my daughter. For example, we talk about what to do in an event of an abduction because last month there were two attempts in two weeks in our area. In addition, every parent should know what the school's response and prevention plan for school violence. Every school should have a safety checklist and description of what happens during an emergency/lock...
Thank you Chris Harris Jr. from the Denver Broncos for speaking out against Domestic Abuse last week! Read about his perspective on how he sees Domestic Violence and the importance of being a positive male role model to our youth. Kudos! We need more men in our world to show vulnerability and less machismo; especially, in sports. Love this article!!!!

October is Domestic Violence Awareness!

Do your part to STOP Domestic and Sexual violence! Check out the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence website and their support for the NO MORE campaign at . Celebrities, athletes, and advocates have joined together to raise awareness. Visit the website with your teen and encourage healthy relationships. It's all about the education!