I have been waiting to blog about Chris Brown's recent arrest for assault and his sad attempt to avoid prison by entering a rehab facility. The reality is that Chris Brown is a very troubled person with more than an anger problem. It is obvious that he is a very abusive person and has problems with power and control. Being abusive is a learned behavior so he learned it from someone close to him. The only way to unlearn it is if you seek intensive behavioral therapy and be educated on power and control. Being abusive is like riding a bike once you learn how you will never forget it. Some abusers that seek treatment do so because they are forced to by the justice system. The only success they will have is learning how to MAYBE control outbursts or not have so many of them. Chris Brown is not being held accountable which is another reason abusers continue to abuse. He mocks us by not completing community service from his incident with Rihanna and violates probation by assaulting someone else. If I was his mother, I would be ashamed and disgusted, not supportive. Chris Brown needs to man-up, accept responsibility and not hide in rehab, which by the way will not work unless they are addressing power and control education. As a consumer, I will not buy his music, listen to it or promote it. I have seen too many young men like him as an advocate and the damage they do to women and others is far worse than the beat down they get. Chris Brown is a vile person and he is what we call in advocacy, a lost cause. Read about his arrest....
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