George Zimmerman back in a Florida court today for felony Agg Assault and two other misdemeanors involving an incident where he allegedly pointed a gun at his girlfriend and strangled her ( NOT choked her like the lawyer said in court). The judge gave him a $9000.00 bond which he posted and was released on typical release conditions for a Domestic Violence firearms, cannot return to home, no contact....blah blah blah. Again no accountability, why on earth would a judge grant so little bail for such serious charges especially when he has a history of Domestic Violence? I hope he doesn't hurt himself or others before the next court date! You know because of Florida's crazy laws, he got away with murder! Maybe Mr. Zimmerman needs to move to Arizona where it has been made socially acceptable to racially profile someone and you can walk around with your firearm...I just hope my nephews aren't in your neighborhood. This judge didn't consider the severity of the charges or the victim's safety. Someone needs to be responsible for accountability, looks like police and prosecutors did their jobs why not the judge. Ive seen higher bail in my career for lesser charges. I hope the victim removes herself from this loser before it's too late.
If you are a victim of Domestic Violence contact 1-800-799-7233 for confidential help.
If you are a victim of Domestic Violence contact 1-800-799-7233 for confidential help.
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