So sorry that I haven't responded to this good documentary on DV in Law Enforcement. Basically, I have a simple thought, bad leadership! When a department lacks professionalism and leadership, poor investigations or lack of investigations occur. Is this common in Law Enforcement to overlook Domestic Violence if the suspect is one of your own, no. However, I do believe and have experienced internal issues with DV handled differently than a civilian and I never thought that was appropriate. I do not see how peers can remain objective. There is a bond amongst officers that exists even if you have never worked with the each other. With that said, there should be independent investigations when officers are the accused and departments should consult best practices in this area. I worked with Law Enforcement and I have a great respect for what they do and the risks they take everyday, so I never generalize and think that this particular situation was rare and unfortunate. It just shows that more education on domestic violence needs to happen in the workplace.
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