I saw this on the news this morning and it made me sick to my stomach. Awhile back I wrote in my blog that a recent study uncovered that 25% of parents polled feared that their children could get hurt at school, well, I get it. Since Victims' Rights Week is next week, I wanted to inform you of this story of a high school student that was brutally attacked by another student in the locker room, supposedly over tennis shoes. The incident was caught on tape and clearly shows the victim being continuously hit by the offender (animal). According to news reports, the victim suffered numerous injuries to the face and several broken bones, one report indicates that the animal actually broke the victim's nose and it separated from his face causing victim to have to endure reconstructive surgery and get a metal plate in his nose. First, let's talk about the schools response......there was NONE! The video clearly indicates no adult presence or supervision! The school did not even call 911 or for emergency assistance for this young man. However, the school claims they followed procedure and attended to the victim's wounds at the nurses office. WHAT THE F@$$#? Are you kidding me? His injuries required reconstructive surgery you idiots. As for the criminal aspect, the article indicates that due to Georgia's laws there are certain crimes where a juvenile can be charged as an adult and this particular crime does not qualify; therefore, he was charged with a misdemeanor. Really? I don't know...but broken bones, reconstructive surgery, metal plates.... sounds like a felony to me. If he wants to fight like a man (punk) he needs to be charged like one and see what its like to be with the big boys in jail/prison. My hope is that the victim and his family can obtain justice in civil court because I would hold the school accountable. Your child is supposed to be guaranteed a safe learning environment and if the school thinks that was an appropriate response, they are delusional and totally irresponsible. I don't know when parents gave up on their kids, but it is obvious that the offender's family need to accept some moral responsibility for this incident and at the very least, apologize. It is unacceptable and intolerable for any person to put their hands on another for any reason. Can we go back to teaching our kids this? I do my job as a parent and it is frustrating and difficult but I put in the effort to produce a productive person, so it really angers me when I see youth acting like this, there is NO excuse. I feel sorry for the offender's family but that's the extent of it, this could have been my child!
As a victim of crime you are entitled to certain information and protections, every state has their own. Crime not only effects a person physically and monetarily but also emotionally so it is important to address every aspect of your victimization. For detailed information on Victims' Rights go to vicimsofcrime.org and also search their website for youth and crime. If you are brave and want to view the video visit... Warning graphic in nature!
As a victim of crime you are entitled to certain information and protections, every state has their own. Crime not only effects a person physically and monetarily but also emotionally so it is important to address every aspect of your victimization. For detailed information on Victims' Rights go to vicimsofcrime.org and also search their website for youth and crime. If you are brave and want to view the video visit... Warning graphic in nature!
The administration of a private school in Baton Rouge, LA not only ignored the bullying and hazing of a male student but also failed to seek medical assistance for him when he was cornered by his assailants. He has lumbar damage which has ruined his participation in sports not to mention the emotional suffering he and his family have endured. If that's not enough, several counsel for named defendants ridiculed the student repeatedly during depositions.