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Are you being stalked?

January is National Stalking Awareness Month. During this month we acknowledge that stalking is a crime in all 50 states. Stalking is a series of actions that make you feel afraid, fearful, distressed or in danger. Stalking is very serious and all threats of harm should be taken seriously and law enforcement should always be notified of incidents. Things to ask yourself if you feel you are being stalked:

-Are you always looking over shoulder or have that unnerving feeling you are being watched?
-Confused about how someone always seems to be where you are.
-Unsure if another incident will occur.
-Nervous about checking social media, emails, texts.
-Are you scared of the unknown?

You maybe a victim of stalking. Most stalkers target people that they know. Stalkers use multiple tactics to scare, harass, annoy the victim. These behaviors include not limited to:

-Unwanted contact- repeated texts, phone calls, social media posts
-Follows you
-Tracking you using technology (gps, apps, hidden cameras)
-Showing up where you are
-Hacking accounts- changing online pass codes, impersonating you online
-Threatening and or intimidating
-Damaging property

If you are being victimized by a stalker it is important to safety plan. So what can you do to be safe?
-Call 911 if in danger and report to law enforcements
-Connect with a victim services provider to help you safety plan, provide you with resources and information on protective orders.
-Protect your devices
-Trust your instincts
To learn more about stalking and resources visit and listen to my podcast episode "Stalking", The Victim Assistant, Crime Victim Advocacy available on most outlets including #applepodcasts #sticther #spotify #spreaker so subscribe and share and remember to follow me on twitter.


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