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Where the f*ck is humanity?

On the eve of our country's independence day, I write this. Reading about people using racial injustice and the misfortunes of others to commit crimes, destroy statues or learning about young adults purposely challenging each other on social media to infect each other with COVID-19 makes me question humanity.  I feel the need to reflect and question our societal plight, poor condition, and instability. No better time than now to think about our pursuit of happiness. It leads me to ask the question, Where the f*ck is humanity? Did someone lock humanity up in a closet somewhere? YO, let humanity out please! Have we completely lost our minds? The human race is mankind; the understanding and kindness towards other people. Where is benevolence? Where are our qualities that make us human: love, compassion, and understanding towards others? As a collective, we have completely lost touch with humanity. Instead, we have become a culture of selfishness, malevolence, brutality and hostility. Take note!
What are the issues that have contributed to societal unrest? I suggest COVID-19, unemployment, social unrest due to systematic racism. These are the factors that destroy civilizations: disease, inequality, lack of prosperity, and mother nature's responses. Oh yeah, the most powerful force in our universe, mother nature is pissed and she shows us with chronic forest fires, floods, storms, and now locusts. In response, we ignore her and we continue to succumb to destruction. In order to avoid a civilization collapse, we should let humanity out of the closet. In recent years, there were sociologists, ecologists, and mathematicians that have predicted a societal collapse. So how do we begin to respond? How do we start being the change? When do we start listening to our hearts again? We start with re-establishing trust. When it comes to police reform, fighting COVID-19, recovering from economic downfall and racial injustice; we need to TRUST.  Learning to trust each other, professionals, and our leaders starts with going back to understanding the basics of trust in interpersonal relationships and apply it to our societal crisis.
So how do we begin to rebuild humanity, faith and trust in others? We address the need in a therapeutic way. The best analogy we can use is when a husband and wife go to counseling to save their marriage. The therapist will give you the old cliche' : Trust is the foundation of any relationship. Then you eye roll. Its ok. Then the open communication begins. No trust in a relationship means nothing to build on. So you are directed to rebuild trust. Rebuilding trust is starting over and being open minded to change and points of view. There is no room for tunnel vision in rebuilding trust and that's where we suffer. Our faults are we are not open to change and rely on misinformation or archaic views about society that no longer serve us. If we were to stick to the analogy of a troubled marriage, than we'll say the marriage fell apart because of betrayal ( i.e. cheating, abuse). In our current society, the betrayal is lying and manipulation. We are seeing the betrayal come out in forms of violence, racism and withholding information from people that are supposed to protect us, government. Lying and manipulation are the key components that are contributing to our civil unrest and potential decline of our society. As a society we are highly misinformed, make assumptions, and do not do the work that's required to make us stronger. In order to grow, we need to drop our fixed mindset and do the work to heal. As traditional therapy tells us, rebuilding trust requires us to let go and engage in the following:
-active listening
-owning your faults
-allowing time
-making notable changes
-leading by example
Rebuilding trust when you have been betrayed is not easy. It requires us to put down our swords and surrender to healing. Taking the time to collaborate with leaders in our communities to listen and communicate will start building the foundation for change. For example, when we talk about police reform, we have to look at what changes have occurred in policing that have helped communities lower rates in crime and address brutality.  Remember that the media conquers and divides us and we have to start using discernment when it comes to the information we take in as fact. Despite what you hear from the media, there has been significant changes to many departments, across the country, in recent years that have occurred in policing to address cultural competence, racial profiling and brutality. Community policing and addressing leadership in departments has been an effective response. We need to start calling out the agencies and leadership that refuse to conform with equality. We cannot just say NO TOLERANCE we must remove the systems in place that keep archaic values in place. If we really want to abolish racism, we have to examine all systems including our education system. In addition,  people should understand that bad people exist in every profession and use their authority to gain power and control so they can commit acts of violence and racism. It's called the VIP factor and bad people assert themselves into powerful positions to establish trust so they can do harm to others. As a crime victim advocate, I have seen this happen a lot especially in sex crimes cases. The injustice has nothing to do with the occupation but the people and the system that protects them. The only thing I question is accountability. I know police unions are on notice and that's an area that needs evaluation. In order to work on resolutions, we have to evaluate the past, present and future and acknowledge the foundation of policing in order to move on. This country's foundation for policing has a connection to slavery. Racism is a learned behavior. We need to own this fault, apologize, forgive, and start making notable changes in policing so our officers can protect and serve all. We need the leaders of police departments that practice equality to lead by example. When it comes to public safety, I believe in it and support it because I support survivors and crime victims. You cannot support one without the other.
When I had an active caseload, I was assigned to a detective and we primarily worked domestic violence cases. My case load for a section of a large city, on just domestic violence cases, was three hundred a month. That didn't include sex crimes, child abuse, neglect or the occasional homicide case I had to respond to. I appreciate law enforcement and believe in their overall work. They are needed to investigate and help victims of crime receive justice. I don't generalize or minimize their sacrifice. I've been on calls with officers and they are dealing with our society's most dangerous people. Anyone that judges my attitudes about law enforcement, you can go to a homicide call, give death notification to a family and then assist them through the hardest time in their life and than you can judge me. I didn't have the convenience of advocating from behind a desk, Ive seen a lot of horrible stuff.  I have ties other than my job to law enforcement including friends and family. We need reform and solutions that allow crime victims to receive justice. The rioting and looting in response created a deeper division and there are always going to be people that use other's loss or misfortune to benefit. Humanity escapes us because we  invest in ignorance and continue to hate using combative, antagonistic language on social media. Our responses and reactions are inhumane. Instead of rebuilding trust through listening and communication of solutions, we are spreading hate speech, generalizing and opposing equality and change. This radical rhetoric is coming from organizations that are supposed to lead and to help people obtain their civil  and victims'  rights. Rethink, refocus and rebuild should be our priority to reboot humanity. Using positive, encouraging speech about change is more effective and preserves faith.
As far as reactions to COVID-19, my state of Arizona is facing such an upheaval of COVID-19 cases and people still refuse to do their part to save humanity by wearing a damn mask. According to the Mayo Clinic, wearing a face mask  combined with other preventative measures, like hand washing and social distancing helps slow the spread of the virus. We have no vaccine people. In this case, humanity escapes us because we are humans and creatures of habit and refuse to accept things that are unfamiliar and because some of us are selfish. Many psychologists would call this fight or flight. Many fight against wearing masks and it does nothing but prolong restrictions. Some claim civil liberties are violated and I say, in order to have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness you have to be alive. The only way to stay healthy so you can live and enjoy your freedom is wear a mask since no one is immune to the virus. I think people really don't know who to trust when it comes to information on our health and seeing our national leaders not wearing masks adds to the confusion.
Again, we were blindsided by this virus and the betrayal lies in the withholding of information that could have helped us better prepare. Now we are suffering physically, emotionally, and financially. Our response to this is to only help ourselves instead of taking care of each other. Humanity escapes us once again.
So where do we go from here? Humanity started to crumble when our reactions to crisis have been subpar. Some of us have decided to abandoned compassion and understanding for a lower vibrational response to injustice. In the moment, I understand the expression of rage, anger and disappointment is justified but now is the time to heal and move towards change. Rebuilding that trust will save us. It is time to surrender and engage in resolution and healing. Social change begins with doing. If we want equality, safety, security, and health than we have to do the necessary work. Working together. Taking a public health crisis seriously and helping the spread, of COVID-19, by social distancing and wearing a mask. I was taught do unto others and we need to start being a better neighbor. Advocacy can bring trust, change and unity if it's done the right way. My suggestions to bring back humanity is to level up! If you want to combat racism in your community, stop the social media antagonistic speech and actually get off your ass and volunteer for an organization that works with disadvantaged youth, battles civil injustice or be a mentor in your community. I'm over seeing young people, with no life experience, on social media think they are advocating by their hostile, misinformed tweets. Please. It's lazy advocacy that needs to be followed up with actions. More young people need to be inspired by David Hogg. Also, for the love...STOP getting your advocacy from celebrities. The majority use social problems to gain and maintain their popularity. There are very few that actually do the work that real advocates do. Dedicate your time and interest to the experts.  Get involved in non-profit organizations that lead our communities and provide safety and resources. I'll have a list at the bottom. I read that we have seventeen million new voters this election. You eighteen year olds are the change makers so start acting like it. We need to abandon selfishness and embrace unity. Support each other by practicing kindness and open your hearts to trust again.
When we are fueled by love and compassion for others, great beginnings happen and now is the time to start. Let's do and be better for humanity's sake. Release humanity!!
For more information on how you can volunteer and organizations that create social change, civil justice visit the following:

The next episode of the Victim Assistant, Crime Victim Advocacy will be out this month and this episode is dedicated to families of homicide victims. Available on most outlets including Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spreaker, and Spotify. Please listen, share and subscribe. Peace, love and happiness.
The Victim Assistant....always advocating.


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