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Innovative Self-care Practices: Letting love in....My self-love journey

 Recently, I have felt a positive shift in my life that indicates that I have closed out a chapter in my life that was very challenging, but at the same time brought me a lot of clarity. It's as if the challenges that I have continuously experienced in life, have made me a stronger person in preparation for my new life. I've had a lot of realizations, "A-ha", moments recently that brought me immense understanding about my life. A lot of these experiences were unnecessary hardships, because I have lived an unauthentic life. In reality, most people do unintentionally. Most people live by the rules, belief systems, and conventions forced on you by society or your family. For example, being raised in a particular religion that doesn't match your true self but you conform because that is what you are supposed to do. There is comfort and familiarity in following suit.  So you are forced to wear a false mask and blend into your circumstances and environment like a chameleon. When you don't live your truth, it is difficult for you to be authentic and express your true feelings and needs. This pattern of blending in I am now leaving behind. I recognized that through a process of  brutal self-evaluation and honesty, that my journey to healing my past involved self-love. Being conditioned to live by other people's standards forced me into a box that I did not belong in. My whole life I felt silenced and I found comfort in the wrong people and situations. I lived to accept the things that were not made for me. I did not love my self enough to know that I deserved better. Through self-awareness, exploration, and honesty, I have raised my consciousness and I focus on empathy, understanding and compassion for myself and others. I opened my heart to change and I decided to be vulnerable and let love in.

Love powers all. Learning to love myself and living an authentic life set me free. I speak and live my truth and I've learned all the wonderful benefits of loving myself first. There are so many benefits to truly getting to know who you are and your purpose. Letting love in is self-awareness, acceptance, and care. The way you love yourself defines how you want to be treated and sets the tone for all relationships in your life. You ultimately stand in your power and attract similar people and experiences into your life. Not everyone is WOKE and that is why boundaries are important in life. I will link my past blog post on setting healthy boundaries. My self-love journey has improved my overall health, life, and allows me to love others better. I feel that letting love in has made me a better person all around. There are amazing benefits to letting love in including the following:

*A longer life- There are significant health benefits to letting love in. There are numerous psychological and general health studies that indicate giving and receiving love reduces stress, decreases blood pressure and improves our overall mental and physical well-being. When we have more loving connections and are heart centered, we release a hormone called Oxytocin. Oxytocin is released when we touch someone we care about or when we express love for self or others. The more we release this hormone, the more we are in touch with others, increases our ability to relate to others, and enhances our overall well-being. 

*Motivational- The power of love can shift your perspective and mindset. When you are taking time to nurture and care for yourself, you feel a sense of accomplishment. You begin to feel the benefits of self-love and it makes you want to continue the journey and boosts self-improvement. Healing your heart can set the motion for other areas of improvement like physical health and financial or career goals. Yay!

*Improves relationships- One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do. I've noticed on this journey of self-love, that I have had to release a lot of toxic people and situations that were holding me back. Sometimes you have to release and go into hermit mode to reflect on past pain and regrets; it can be lonely. However, these people I am grateful for because they initiated this journey of self-exploration for me. Sometimes toxic people and situations teach you about your shadow self that needs healing. They highlight the negative aspects about you that need to be addressed and healed. When I began to release burdens and people that were not for my highest good, I began to feel happier. I wanted to explore more ways to feel better about myself and others. Love makes you harmonious and peaceful. I just noticed that I communicated better in my existing relationships and my vibe was higher. Self-love makes you more open to positive people and experiences; more harmonious relationships. 

*Love is contagious!

The power of love connects us to a world of happiness; we just need to tap into this energy with enthusiasm. "Love is as critical for your mind and body as oxygen." (McGrath, Ellen. "The Power of Love." Psychology Today, 1 Dec. 2002).  When we take the time to nourish our soul and explore our true self, we can find our way out of pain, insecurities and unhappiness into a life of abundance. This self-love journey is not easy and takes dedication and support from others. I encourage therapy and professional support because everyone has a different life experience and or trauma. Self-love is the center of healing which makes sense because our heart is the core of our existence. We cannot survive without the beating of our heart so its best to take care of it so we can keep the primal human instinct alive and healthy. Care bear stare ya all. 

The Victim Assistant- Peace, Love, and Happiness


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