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Book Promotion to close out Domestic Violence Awareness Month! Love is a Battlefield, The Survival Guide is FREE today only!

To close out Domestic Violence Awareness Month, I want EVERYONE to get educated on an epidemic. Over 4.7 million women a year experience physical violence by an intimate partner. Raising awareness will increase the public's willingness to report abuse and make it intolerable! Earlier this year we saw, Ray Rice perpetrate violence against a women and some responses to his inappropriate actions have been in turn similar to his vulgar actions. The ignorance that people subscribe to has been displayed in their insensitive Halloween costumes this year. A couple dressed up as Ray and Janay Rice in black face with a black eye is not only racially insensitive but socially unacceptable in 2014. Not to mention a child wearing a similar outfit dragging an African American doll around. We need to abandon the ignorance and educate ourselves on anti-violence as a whole. Children and young adults need to know the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships. If you think about it EVERYONE knows at least one person that has experienced domestic violence. Let's make a change and keep the conversation going. My book provides education, resources, survivor stories and case studies from my time as a law enforcement advocate. Love is a Battlefield, The Survival Guide is available FREE today only on or check out my author page
If you are a victim of domestic violence and want confidential help call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1800 799-SAFE (7233)

Follow me on twitter @victimadvocate1 for resources and advocacy help! Thank you for supporting #DVAM


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