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Innovative Self Care Practices

Are you practicing self care? If you are living the human experience and going through the ups and downs of life without self care practices than you should reconsider. Life can be stressful at times and even more challenging if we've experienced any form of victimization or trauma. Recently, I have experienced many life challenges: breakup of a 20 year relationship, starting over and reinventing myself, becoming an empty nester and being alone again. In the past year, I have had to release a lot of old patterns and remove toxic people and relationships that no longer serve me. I have come to know a more spiritual side of myself that I either didn't recognize or buried because my role in life was always supportive. I mastered a lot in my life but now I am living my truth and open for new love and opportunities if they present themselves.
A few years ago, I was drawn to yoga. The practice of yoga and mediation combined has really helped me gain balance and stability. Yoga is a spiritual and ascetic discipline which involves breathing, mediation, and specific body postures used to promote relaxation. There are many benefits to practicing yoga regularly: improves flexibility, builds muscle strength, increases blood flow, drops blood pressure, and basically makes you improve your mind, body, and spirit. Yoga has been a blessing in my life and I specifically note a change in my overall wellbeing and how I respond to stress and difficulties. I am more relaxed. I also believe that removing myself from a very draining relationship has also improved my well being tremendously. Both changes in environment and responses to life have transformed me. I feel more inner peace and have a greater ability to fulfill life goals and my purpose.
I recently came upon a yoga practice that has really helped me to realize my worth and keeps me focused on positivity and long term goals. Its called Yin Yoga with affirmations. Yin yoga is a form of yoga that incorporates asanas (postures) that are held from 45 seconds to three minutes or longer. Theses held postures are meant to stimulate the channels of the subtle body known as meridians in Chinese medicine and as nadis in HathaYoga. (wikipedia)  The asanas are difficult to hold at times but as you hold the pose you recite a positive affirmation several times which promotes inner peace and then if you please, write down how saying the affirmation made you feel. If you felt an emotion while reciting a certain affirmation during the practice than that can indicate an area of your life that you need to explore or improve on. I don't necessarily do this but it can be helpful to some. An example of this practice would be to hold supported bridge for up to three minutes and recite a few times in your head the affirmation " All is is well in my world, and I am safe.” (Yoga with Kassandra
I really enjoy the practice of Yin Yoga with affirmations because it helps me maintain positivity and acknowledge my strengths. It helps to reframe my thoughts to keep me aligned with my goals and purpose. I recommend this practice and incorporate it into your exercise regime along with daily gratitude and mediation. Long term studies have suggested that expressing daily gratitude opens the door to healthy relationships, improves physical, psychological health, and enhances empathy and reduces aggression. I wake up in morning and think of five things I am grateful for. You get back what you put out into this world. For more information on benefits of gratitude visit
I hope you enjoyed this lesson on innovative self care practices. If you choose to practice Yin Yoga please always consult your physician when it comes to exercise. Enhancing our body, mind, and spirit should always be a priority in our lives and Yin Yoga with Affirmations and Gratitude helps me achieve this. Stay healthy and connected. Remember to follow me on Twitter and listen, subscribe and share the latest episodes of The Victim Assistant, Crime Victim Advocacy© now available on most outlets including Apple Podcasts, Spreaker, Stitcher and Spotify. Yay.

The Victim Assistant- Always Advocating.....


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