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To Detach with Love...

Last week, I released my latest episode of The Victim Assistant Podcast and I talked about the option of letting go of toxic people, relationships and beliefs. So, I wanted to recap the discussion and add to it.
 I was raised to honor and respect each other and accept people for who they are especially family. The struggles that I have recently experienced in my life has made me reflect on the art of letting go of people who no longer serve me in a positive way. When you have significant life changes occurring at once, you are forced to re-evaluate your life. I realized that right now we are getting a planetary reset with this global pandemic. We were forced to reflect, isolate, and make change for everyone's greatest good. For me, I'm valuing myself more and honoring my truth because life is too short. My truth has always been silent and part of that truth is that I no longer want to hold on to not only people, but beliefs that no longer serve me. A lot of these beliefs I'm referring to have to do with healing. Healing is the process of regaining your physical and or mental health. To me, healing involves self-love, acceptance, balance and recovery.
In my podcast, I mentioned the act of letting go of toxic people is an healing option that many don't evaluate as much as we should. Instead, we choose to keep these people in our lives because we have attachments to them or an archaic belief system about love and family. It's my belief that there is so much distress in our lives and people struggle with balance or mental health issues partly because we hold on to people, places, and things that no longer serve us. Releasing what no longer serves our greatness, can reboot our lives. In my case, I released a lot of old beliefs about myself. In this process, I realized my worth and began to practice more self- love. Self-love is "love of self" a regard for one's own happiness (wikipedia). Self-love is the ideal that was replaced with selfishness and this is where ,we as a society, fell short and the problems started. We started to forget to take care of our needs first; we neglect to fill our own cup. If anyone knows about neglecting the self, it's me. I spent my whole life taking care of EVERYONE. When I was 10 years old, I was taking on the role of "mother" to my siblings because my mom was breaking the glass ceiling in the 80's. I was trying to do homework, cook, clean, take care of my brothers and be what everyone else wanted me to be. Because I was pretty independent as a child, it was my birthright. Who the hell wants to have adult responsibilities at 10 years old? I did it because that was expected of me and I never complained until now, because I realized that belief I need to nurture everyone was causing me a lot of pain and neglect of self. I took that belief with me into adulthood and let it overshadow my true self. So I decided to release past beliefs about myself and honor myself instead.
 I began by letting go of past pain and old belief systems that I learned growing up. I re-evaluated relationships in my life that brought me a lot of pain and wouldn't allow me to be my true self or grow as a person. I took this evaluation very seriously and the people that I felt were causing me distress; I either released them or set boundaries. The people that respect me and my boundaries remain in my life and I can say we have improved relationships, and they took responsibility for their part or acknowledged mistakes they made. Sometimes people don't know you are hurting unless you tell them so you have to be willing to have hard, real, honest conversations with people. The people that chose to continue to hurt me or remain fixed, I released and detached with love. To detach with love is to wish them well and peace. You choose yourself; the greatest act of self-love! Letting go of a person, friend or family member that no longer serves you is filling your own cup. Detaching with love involves a lot of compassion for yourself and others. It's not a walk in the park for sure and requires a lot of strength and commitment. Also, to detach with love shows others about self-respect and treating others with dignity. Learning about this technique in college was often applied to people with addictions and family. It's a powerful concept. It's a choice. We have a human right to peace in our lives and its ok to detach from toxic people, places, and things. You can love without having to accept bad behavior from people. Here are some benefits of detaching with love:

*Allows for new people and experiences to come into your life.

*Holds people accountable for bad behavior.

*Empowers you to live your best life and breaks a cycle of unhealthy patterns.

*You model healthy behavior to others.

*You value yourself.

*Expands your growth mindset.

I currently live my life with purpose and complete because I am speaking my truth and living an honest life. I put myself first and getting to know myself again. I have learned to have a balanced life of giving and receiving. I value my self and practice a healthy mindset. For a long time, I was living for others and buried in their needs and life. I was expected by others to be what they needed and wanted. Now, I apply the key elements of mindfulness which gives me peace. The following are elements of mindfulness:

*Calmness- I bring awareness to my thoughts.

*Clarity- I know what's important in my life and I act on my goals.

*Compassion- I am kind to myself and others. I do not compare myself to others.

*Concentration- I am committed to myself and do not get distracted by outside influences.

*Courage- I live in the present moment. I go the distance. I do not overthink and I take action on things that add value to my life.

 Now, I am mindful and live in the present. Forgiving myself for past mistakes and healing opens my heart for new healthy beginnings. I am open to forgiving and I forgive in my own time and honor my heart because no one can tell you how, when and who to love. To Detach with love is your victory. I hope this information is helpful to those struggling with toxic people or situations in their life. Peace, love and happiness to all.

The Victim Assistant- Always Advocating.
The latest episode of The Victim Assistant, Crime Victim Advocacy now available. Elder Abuse Financial Exploitation, A Betrayal in the Family. Listen, subscribe, and share.


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