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Innovative Self-Care Practices: Chakra Cleanse and Energy Release

Do you sometimes feel out of sorts, grouchy, out of balance, or in a funk? Life brings us challenges and stressors that cause our bodies to react and sometimes hold on to energy. Yes, we are made up of energy and sometimes that energy gets backed up like a dirty drain. As part of my self-care series on innovative practices, I want to introduce you all to chakra cleansing and energy release or clearing.   Let's be open- minded right now and consider that we do in fact have energy bundles throughout our bodies called, Chakras. Formally, chakras are swirling wheels of energy where the physical and consciousness meet. This energy is called Prana, the vital life force which keeps us vibrant, healthy, and alive ( There are seven chakras and each chakra corresponds to certain nerve centers and organs in the body. The ideal for inner peace and health is to make sure that all chakras are aligned and open. The practice of yoga has introduced me to this holistic approach to restore balance and inner peace.
The seven chakras and their representations are as follows:

Root Chakra- (red) groundedness.

Sacral Chakra- (orange) creative and sexual energies.          

Solar Plexus- ( yellow) personal power, self confidence.              

Heart Chakra- (green) love, inner peace.

Throat Chakra-  (blue) communication, self expression.

Third eye Chakra- (indigo) intuition.

Crown Chakra- (white) higher self, spirituality, life purpose.

When any of these chakras are blocked, you feel it energetically. For this reason, it is important to release and free your energy. First, identify which chakra is blocked. So how do you know? It begins with self-evaluation of feelings and behavior. There are symptoms for each chakra. Consider the following guidance when there is a blockage:

Root- You don't feel grounded, moody, overthinking.

Sacral- You are stuck in your emotions, sexually frustrated.

Solar- You may have low self esteem, indecision, not in your power.

Heart- You may feel anger, jealousy, lack of compassion and understanding.

Throat- You cannot speak truth.

Third eye- You lack focus and your thoughts may be clouded. In your head and fantasize a lot.

Crown- You may experience stagnancy, lack of clarity, follow-through with goals or tasks.

So now you can understand where the blockage might be; so how do you clear energy? I engage in a guided meditation to help clear and release energy in my chakra system. YouTube is full of guided meditations to assist you in an energy cleanse and reset. Many engage in restorative yoga or yin yoga focused on certain chakras. When I feel any discontent or symptom, I address all seven chakras and do a full chakra balance and healing. The meditations range from ten minutes to an hour. The 10 minute meditations are just as effective as long as you are in a quiet space and are open to receiving. Doing this activity regularly will keep you in the flow of life. If you are not accustomed to mediation or new to it begin with a basic grounding meditation. Meditation is a practice that some find difficult. Being still, quiet and in the present moment can be difficult for some. Also, it’s not an immediate fix for some. Through regular practice many people see results.  We cannot let people or situations mess up our peace. The power of our minds creates our reality. If we are chronically suffering and cannot find solutions, I suggest opening our minds to alternative thinking. Exploring healing and holistic options has improved my overall mental well-being and mindset. I hope you enjoyed this information and hope it helps those achieve balance and clarity. I feel its important for all people, especially crime victims, to engage in healing practices to help reduce trauma. Free yourself. The following links have more information on Chakra balancing and cleansing. Peace, Love and Happiness.

The Victim Assistant.... Always Advocating

The Victim Assistant Crime Victim Advocacy Podcast available on most outlets including, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spreaker, Spotify.


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